Plot : Directed by David Frankel, Marley and Me, is based on the best-selling autobiographical book written by John Grogan. It is a family comedy drama about John Grogan (Owen Wilson) and Jennifer Grogan (Jennifer Anniston) who have just started off with their careers and marriage and bring home a dog named Marley. Marley turns out to be the worst pet they can have as the Grogan’s discover his uncanny ability to eat or destroy just about everything . However, with the passage of time, as John and Jennifer’s contemplate having children, they come to realize that their adorable, but naughty and neurotic dog has become an inseparable part of the family.
Marley and Me movie is Directed By : David Frankel
Starring : Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston, Eric Dane, Kathleen Turner, Alan Arkin, Nathan Gamble, Haley Bennett, Clarke Peters, Finley Jacobsen