Plot : ‘Monsters vs. Aliens’ is a science fiction based animated comedy. A young Californian girl named Susan Murphy is hit by a meteorite from outer space which turns her into a giant monster. She is then taken to a secret compound and confined with a ragtag group of monsters caught up by the government over the years. But when a group of human hating aliens, disrupt the earthbound cable-television signals, The President is forced to issue a desperate order to seek the help of the crew of Monsters under the guidance of General W.R. Monger, to take out the pesky extraterrestrials determined to deprive the television audiences of their favorite shows.
Monsters vs. Aliens movie is Directed By : Rob Letterman and Conrad Vernon
Starring : Reese Witherspoon, Seth Rogen, Hugh Laurie, Will Arnett, Kiefer Sutherland, Rainn Wilson, Stephen Colbert, Paul Rudd