Download The Human Centipede MovieMovie name:- The Human Centipede
Related Cast :- Dieter Laser, Ashley C Williams, Ashlynn Yennie, Akihiro Kitamura
Category:- Drama , Horror
Duration :-96 Min
Director :- Tom Six
Release Date:- 2010-04-30
Plot :- Directed by Tom Six, The Human Centipede is a horror movie. Ashley C. Williams, Ashlynn Yennie, Dieter Laser and Akihiro Kitamura play the leading characters of the movie. The Human Centipede shows what happens when a deranged doc joins three victims together in order to create a human centipede. The old German doc is a retired surgeon who has wishes to be the first person to join people through their stomachic system. Among his victims are two pretty American girls and a Japanese man. Would he be able to carry out his mission and what if yes and what if not, the Human centipede shows.
Category:- Drama , Horror
Duration :-96 Min
Director :- Tom Six
Release Date:- 2010-04-30
Plot :- Directed by Tom Six, The Human Centipede is a horror movie. Ashley C. Williams, Ashlynn Yennie, Dieter Laser and Akihiro Kitamura play the leading characters of the movie. The Human Centipede shows what happens when a deranged doc joins three victims together in order to create a human centipede. The old German doc is a retired surgeon who has wishes to be the first person to join people through their stomachic system. Among his victims are two pretty American girls and a Japanese man. Would he be able to carry out his mission and what if yes and what if not, the Human centipede shows.