Movie name:- South of the Border
Related Cast :- Tariq Ali, Raul Castro, Hugo Chavez,
Category:- Documentary ,
Duration :-100 Min
Director :- Oliver Stone ,
Release Date:- 2010-06-25
Plot :- Directed by Oliver Stone, South of the Border is a documentary movie. Premiered at the 2009 Venice Film Festival, South of the Border has been called as ‘a political road movie’ by Tariq Ali, the writer of the project. The movie takes viewers on a road trip across five countries in order to explore the social and political movements. Also, it throws light on typical media’s misperception of South America while also interviewing seven elected presidents. The movie has a total runtime of 102 minutes. Tariq Ali, Raul Castro, Hugo Chávez, Rafael Correa, Cristina Kirchner and Néstor Kirchner play themselves on the movie.